BMLSc – Spinal Cord
Whether you’re exploring your career options or you’re interested in pursuing a career as a health professional, a health administrator or a researcher, the BMLSc Program will give you the tools and expertise to pursue any number of career paths.

Some of the career paths taken by our graduates, which require further education/training:
Health Professions
- Doctor MD (Family Practice, Pathologist, Radiologist)
- Naturopathic Doctor
- Dentist
- Nurse
- Cardiac Perfusionist
- Optometrist
- Chiropractor
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist
- Medical Laboratory Technologist (requires further training from an MLT training program)
- Radiation Therapist
- Occupational Health & Safety
Health Administration
- Health Services Planning and Administration
- Laboratory Information Systems
- Laboratory Quality Management
- Public Health Professional
Research (MSc, PhD)
- Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
- Experimental Medicine
- Food Science
- Medical Genetics
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Molecular Medicine
- Microbiology & Immunology
Graduates who move directly into careers are predominantly employed as research assistants or technicians in academic, clinical or industry laboratories. Some graduates are hired by biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies as technicians, sales representatives or technical support staff. Some examples:
- Associate Histotechnologist, Wax-it Histology
- Research Coordinator, Hematology Research Program, UBC Division of Hematology, VGH
- Clinical Research Assistant, Laboratory Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
- Senior Program Coordinator, Social Diversity for Children Foundation
- Research Assistant/Technician 2, Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics
- Administrator/Client Services Associate, ALS Laboratories (a global analytical testing company)